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[tyndur-devel] [PATCH 5/6] + 18.7 Language support library, Exception handling: <exception>

 STATUS                            |    2 +-
 include/exception                 |   17 ++
 include/lightlibc++/doxygen.hpp   |    6 +
 include/lightlibc++/exception.hpp |  377 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 source/exception.cpp              |  111 +++++++++++
 5 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/exception
 create mode 100644 include/lightlibc++/exception.hpp
 create mode 100644 source/exception.cpp

diff --git a/STATUS b/STATUS
index 3b8d47d..4448f60 100644
--- a/STATUS
+++ b/STATUS
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This file documents the status of the implementation.
 18.4 Start and termination                                           [X]
 18.5 Dynamic memory management <new>                                 [ ]
 18.6 Type identi�cation                                              [ ]
-18.7 Exception handling                                              [ ]
+18.7 Exception handling                                              [X]
 18.8 Other runtime support                                           [ ]
 19. Diagnostics library                                              [ ]
diff --git a/include/exception b/include/exception
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a682ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/exception
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.
+This includes removing authorship notices, re-use of code parts in
+other software (with or without giving credit), and / or creating a
+commercial product based on it.
+This permission is not revocable by the author.
+This software is provided as-is. Use it at your own risk. There is
+no warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, and by using
+this software you accept that the author(s) shall not be held liable
+for any loss of data, loss of service, or other damages, be they
+incidental or consequential. Your only option other than accepting
+this is not to use the software at all.
+#include <lightlibc++/exception.hpp>
diff --git a/include/lightlibc++/doxygen.hpp b/include/lightlibc++/doxygen.hpp
index 14def2a..b8ef924 100644
--- a/include/lightlibc++/doxygen.hpp
+++ b/include/lightlibc++/doxygen.hpp
@@ -22,3 +22,9 @@ this is not to use the software at all.
  *  \ingroup lightlibcpp_18 */
 /** \defgroup lightlibcpp_18_4 18.4 Start and termination
  *  \ingroup lightlibcpp_18 */
+/** \defgroup lightlibcpp_18_7 18.7 Exception handling
+ *  \ingroup lightlibcpp_18 */
+/** \defgroup lightlibcpp_18_7_2 18.7.2 Violating exception-speci�cations
+ *  \ingroup lightlibcpp_18_7 */
+/** \defgroup lightlibcpp_18_7_3 18.7.3 Abnormal termination
+ *  \ingroup lightlibcpp_18_7 */
diff --git a/include/lightlibc++/exception.hpp b/include/lightlibc++/exception.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634833b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lightlibc++/exception.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.
+This includes removing authorship notices, re-use of code parts in
+other software (with or without giving credit), and / or creating a
+commercial product based on it.
+This permission is not revocable by the author.
+This software is provided as-is. Use it at your own risk. There is
+no warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, and by using
+this software you accept that the author(s) shall not be held liable
+for any loss of data, loss of service, or other damages, be they
+incidental or consequential. Your only option other than accepting
+this is not to use the software at all.
+#include <lightlibc++/compiler.hpp>
+namespace std
+  /** \addtogroup lightlibcpp_18_7 */
+  /*@{*/
+  /**
+   *\english
+   *  \brief Base class for exceptions thrown by the C++ Standard Library
+   *
+   *  18.7.1 Class exception
+   *
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  \brief Basisklasse der Ausnahmen, die von der C++ Standardbibliothek geworfen werden
+   *
+   *  18.7.1 Klasse exception
+   *
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  class exception
+  {
+    public:
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Constructs an object of class exception.
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Konstruiert ein Objekt der Klasse exception.
+       *\endgerman */
+      inline exception() throw()
+      {
+      }
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Copies an object of class exception.
+       *  \param[in] x reference to the object to copy
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Kopiert ein Objekt der Klasse exception.
+       *  \param[in] x Referenz auf das zu kopierende Objekt
+       *\endgerman */
+      inline exception(const exception& x) throw()
+      {
+        (void)x;
+      }
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Copies an object of class exception.
+       *  \param[in] x reference to the object to copy
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Kopiert ein Objekt der Klasse exception.
+       *  \param[in] x Referenz auf das zu kopierende Objekt
+       *\endgerman */
+      inline exception& operator = (const exception& x) throw()
+      {
+        (void)x;
+        return *this;
+      }
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Destructs an object of class exception
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Zerstört ein Objekt der Klasse exception
+       *\endgerman */
+      virtual ~exception() throw();
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  User-friendly name of the class
+       *  \return null-terminated character sequence
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Benutzerfreundlicher Name der Klasse
+       *  \return nullterminierte Zeichenkette
+       *\endgerman
+       */
+      virtual const char* what() const throw();
+  };
+  /*@}*/
+  /** \addtogroup lightlibcpp_18_7_2 */
+  /*@{*/
+  /**
+   *\english
+   *  \brief 
+   *
+   * Class bad_exception
+   *
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  \brief
+   *
+   * Klasse bad_exception
+   *
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  class bad_exception : public std::exception
+  {
+    public:
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Constructs an object of class bad_exception.
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Konstruiert ein Objekt der Klasse bad_exception.
+       *\endgerman */
+      inline bad_exception() throw()
+      {
+      }
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Copies an object of class bad_exception.
+       *  \param[in] x reference to the object to copy
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Kopiert ein Objekt der Klasse bad_exception.
+       *  \param[in] x Referenz auf das zu kopierende Objekt
+       *\endgerman */
+      inline bad_exception(const bad_exception& x) throw()
+        : std::exception(x)
+      {
+      }
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Copies an object of class bad_exception.
+       *  \param[in] x reference to the object to copy
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Kopiert ein Objekt der Klasse bad_exception.
+       *  \param[in] x Referenz auf das zu kopierende Objekt
+       *\endgerman */
+      inline bad_exception& operator = (const bad_exception& x) throw()
+      {
+        (void)x;
+        return *this;
+      }
+      /**
+       *\english
+       *  Destructs an object of class bad_exception
+       *\endenglish
+       *\german
+       *  Zerstört ein Objekt der Klasse bad_exception
+       *\endgerman */
+      virtual ~bad_exception() throw();
+      virtual const char* what() const throw();
+  };
+  /**
+   *\english
+   * Type unexpected_handler
+   *
+   *  The type of a handler function to be called by unexpected() when a
+   *  function attempts to throw an exception not listed in its
+   *  exception-speci�cation.
+   *
+   *  An unexpected_handler shall not return. 
+   *
+   *  The default unexpected_handler calls terminate().
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   * Typ unexpected_handler
+   *
+   *  Der Typ einer Handlerfunktion, welche von unexpected() aufgerufen wird,
+   *  wenn eine Funktion eine Ausnahme, die nicht in ihrer
+   *  Ausnahmenspezifikation angegeben ist, wirft.
+   *
+   *  Ein unexpected_handler darf die Kontrolle nicht an die aufrufende
+   *  Funktion zurückgeben.
+   *
+   *  Der standardmä�ig installierte unexpected_handler ruft terminate() auf.
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  typedef void (*unexpected_handler)() _LIGHTLIBCPP_NORETURN;
+  /**
+   * set_unexpected
+   *
+   *\english
+   *  The unexpected_handler f becomes the new handler called by unexpected()
+   *  \param[in] f a non-null pointer to the new unexpected_handler
+   *  \return a pointer to the previous unexpected_handler
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  Der unexpected_handler f wird der neue Handler, der von unexpected()
+   *  aufgerufen wird
+   *  \param[in] f ein gültiger Zeiger auf einen unexpected_handler
+   *  \return ein Zeiger auf den vorhergehende unexpected_handler
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  unexpected_handler set_unexpected(unexpected_handler f) throw();
+  /**
+   *\english
+   *  lightlibc++ extension
+   *
+   *  Get the current unexpected_handler
+   *  \note This function is needed by the C++ exception handling ABI
+   *  \return apointer to the current unexpected_handler
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  lightlibc++ Erweiterung
+   *
+   *  Gibt einen Zeiger auf momentan installierten unexpected_handler zurück
+   *  \note Diese Funktion wird von der C++ Ausnahmebehandlungs-ABI benötigt
+   *  \return ein Zeiger auf den momentan installierten unexpected_handler
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  unexpected_handler __get_unexpected();
+  /**
+   * unexpected
+   *
+   *\english
+   *  Called by the implementation when a function exits via an exception not
+   *  allowed by its exception-speci�cation. May also be called directly by the
+   *  program.
+   *
+   *  Calls the calls the current unexpected_handler.
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  Diese Funktion wird vom der Laufzeit aufgerufen, falls eine Funktion eine
+   *  Ausnahme, die nicht in ihrer Ausnahmenspezifikation angegeben ist, wirft.
+   *  Diese Funktion darf auch direkt aus dem Programm aufgerufen werden.
+   *
+   *  unexpected() ruft den momentanen unexpected_handler auf.
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  void unexpected() _LIGHTLIBCPP_NORETURN;
+  /*@}*/
+  /** \addtogroup lightlibcpp_18_7_3 */
+  /*@{*/
+  /**
+   *\english
+   * Type terminate_handler
+   *
+   *  The type of a handler function to be called by terminate() when
+   *  terminating exception processing.
+   *
+   *  A terminate_handler shall terminate execution of the program without
+   *  returning to the caller.
+   *
+   *  The default terminate_handler calls abort().
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   * Typ terminate_handler
+   *
+   *  Der Typ einer Handlerfunktion, welche von terminate() aufgerufen wird,
+   *  wenn die Ausnahmebehandlung terminiert wird (durch den standardmä�ig
+   *  installierten unexpected_handler).
+   *
+   *  Ein terminate_handler muss das Programm beenden ohne die Kontrolle zum
+   *  Aufrufer zurückzugeben
+   *
+   *  Der standardmä�ig installierte terminate_handler ruft abort() auf.
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  typedef void (*terminate_handler)() _LIGHTLIBCPP_NORETURN;
+  /**
+   * set_terminate
+   *
+   *\english
+   *  The terminate_handler f becomes the new handler called by terminate()
+   *  \param[in] f a non-null pointer to the new terminate_handler
+   *  \return a pointer to the previous terminate_handler
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  Der terminate_handler f wird der neue Handler, der von terminate()
+   *  aufgerufen wird
+   *  \param[in] f ein gültiger Zeiger auf einen terminate_handler
+   *  \return ein Zeiger auf den vorhergehende terminate_handler
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  terminate_handler set_terminate(terminate_handler f) throw();
+  /**
+   *\english
+   *  lightlibc++ extension
+   *
+   *  Get the current terminate_handler
+   *  \note This function is needed by the C++ exception handling ABI
+   *  \return apointer to the current terminate_handler
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  lightlibc++ Erweiterung
+   *
+   *  Gibt einen Zeiger auf momentan installierten terminate_handler zurück
+   *  \note Diese Funktion wird von der C++ Ausnahmebehandlungs-ABI benötigt
+   *  \return ein Zeiger auf den momentan installierten terminate_handler
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  terminate_handler __get_terminate();
+  /**
+   * terminate
+   *
+   *\english
+   *  Called by the default unexpected_handler. May also be called directly by
+   *  the program.
+   *
+   *  Calls the calls the current terminate_handler.
+   *\endenglish
+   *\german
+   *  Diese Funktion wird vom standardmä�ig installierten unexpected_handler
+   *  aufgerufen. AuÃ?erdem darf terminate() auch direkt aus dem Programm
+   *  aufgerufen werden.
+   *
+   *  terminate() ruft den momentanen terminate_handler auf.
+   *\endgerman
+   */
+  void terminate() _LIGHTLIBCPP_NORETURN;
+  /*@}*/
+  /** \addtogroup lightlibcpp_18_7 */
+  /*@{*/
+  // TODO:  bool uncaught_exception() throw(), implemented by the C++ ABI: Exception Handling patch
+  #ifdef _LIGHTLIBCPP_CPP10
+    // TODO C++1x: typedef \unspec exception_ptr;
+    // TODO C++1x: exception_ptr current_exception();
+    // TODO C++1x: void rethrow_exception(exception_ptr p);
+    // TODO C++1x: template<class E> exception_ptr copy_exception(E e);
+  #endif
+  /*@}*/
diff --git a/source/exception.cpp b/source/exception.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..165b64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/exception.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.
+This includes removing authorship notices, re-use of code parts in
+other software (with or without giving credit), and / or creating a
+commercial product based on it.
+This permission is not revocable by the author.
+This software is provided as-is. Use it at your own risk. There is
+no warranty whatsoever, neither expressed nor implied, and by using
+this software you accept that the author(s) shall not be held liable
+for any loss of data, loss of service, or other damages, be they
+incidental or consequential. Your only option other than accepting
+this is not to use the software at all.
+#include <exception>
+#include <cstdlib>           // std::abort()
+ * file-local functions
+ */
+static void default_unexpected_handler()
+  std::terminate();
+static void default_terminate_handler()
+  std::abort();
+ * file-local variables
+ */
+std::unexpected_handler cur_unexpected_handler = &default_unexpected_handler;
+std::terminate_handler cur_terminate_handler = &default_terminate_handler;
+ * Class std::exception
+ */
+std::exception::~exception() throw()
+const char* std::exception::what() const throw()
+  return "std::exception";
+ * Class std::bad_exception
+ */
+const char* std::bad_exception::what() const throw()
+  return "std::bad_exception";
+std::bad_exception::~bad_exception() throw()
+ * functions
+ */
+std::unexpected_handler std::set_unexpected(unexpected_handler f) throw()
+  unexpected_handler tmp = cur_unexpected_handler;
+  cur_unexpected_handler = f;
+  return tmp;
+std::unexpected_handler std::__get_unexpected()
+  return cur_unexpected_handler;
+void std::unexpected()
+  cur_unexpected_handler();
+std::terminate_handler std::set_terminate(terminate_handler f) throw()
+  terminate_handler tmp = cur_terminate_handler;
+  cur_terminate_handler = f;
+  return tmp;
+std::terminate_handler std::__get_terminate()
+  return cur_terminate_handler;
+void std::terminate()
+  cur_terminate_handler();