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[tyndur-devel] [PATCH 1/5] kedit: syntax.pas aufgesplitted

* syntax.pas: C-Syntax extrahiert, nun nur noch TSyntax-Klasse
+ syntax_c.pas: C-Syntax hier implementiert

Signed-off-by: Alexander Hartmut Kluth <hartmut@xxxxxxxxxx>
 src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax.pas   |  195 ++----------------------------------
 src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax_c.pas |  197 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax_c.pas

diff --git a/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax.pas b/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax.pas
index b382265..0f9950e 100644
--- a/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax.pas
+++ b/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax.pas
@@ -29,30 +29,18 @@ type
             property GetState: integer read f_state;
-    TSyntax_C = class(TSyntax)
-        public
-            procedure StartLine(s: String; state: integer); override;
-            function Next: TSyntaxChange; override;
-    end;
 function SyntaxColor(c: TSyntaxColor): byte;
 function SyntaxBgColor(c: TSyntaxColor): byte;
+function Matches(s: String; pos: integer; pattern: String): boolean;
+function MatchesNumber(s: string; pos: integer): integer;
+function MatchesKeyword(s: string; pos: integer; p: Array of String): integer;
+function MatchesLabel(s: string; pos: integer): integer;
+function MatchesType(s: string; pos: integer): integer;
+function MatchesTrailingSpace(s: string; pos: integer): boolean;
-    Keywords_C: Array [1..15] of String = (
-        'if', 'else', 'for', 'while', 'do', 'switch', 'case', 'default', 'goto',
-        'break', 'continue', 'return', 'sizeof', 'typedef', 'asm'
-    );
-    Types_C: Array [1..17] of String = (
-        'void', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'float', 'double',
-        'static', 'inline', 'extern', 'enum', 'struct', 'union', 'volatile', 'const'
-    );
 function SyntaxColor(c: TSyntaxColor): byte;
     case c of
@@ -70,6 +58,7 @@ begin
 function SyntaxBgColor(c: TSyntaxColor): byte;
     case c of
@@ -79,11 +68,13 @@ begin
 function Matches(s: String; pos: integer; pattern: String): boolean;
     Matches := (Copy(s, pos, length(pattern)) = pattern);
 function MatchesNumber(s: String; pos: integer): integer;
     i: integer;
@@ -261,172 +252,4 @@ begin
     color := c;
-procedure TSyntax_C.StartLine(s: String; state: integer);
-    line := s;
-    f_state := state;
-    pos := 1;
-    case f_state of
-        1:   color := syn_comment;
-        2:   color := syn_comment;
-        3:   color := syn_number;
-        4:   color := syn_string;
-        5:   color := syn_string_special;
-        6:   color := syn_keyword;
-        7:   color := syn_type;
-        8:   color := syn_label;
-        else color := syn_other;
-    end;
-function TSyntax_C.Next: TSyntaxChange;
-    c: char;
-    tmp: integer;
-    Next.posY := 0;
-    Next.color := color;
-    while pos <= length(line) do begin
-        c := line[pos];
-        case f_state of
-            0: { Normaler Text }
-                case c of
-                    '/':
-                        if Matches(line, pos, '//') then begin
-                            f_state := 1;
-                            exit(Highlight(syn_comment));
-                        end else if Matches(line, pos, '/*') then begin
-                            f_state := 2;
-                            exit(Highlight(syn_comment));
-                        end;
-                    '0' .. '9', '-', '+':
-                        begin
-                            tmp := MatchesNumber(line, pos);
-                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
-                                Next := Highlight(syn_number);
-                                Inc(pos, tmp);
-                                f_state := 3;
-                                exit;
-                            end;
-                        end;
-                    '#':
-                        begin
-                            if Copy(line, 1, pos - 1) = Space(pos - 1) then begin
-                                f_state := 1;
-                                exit(Highlight(syn_compiler));
-                            end;
-                        end;
-                    '"':
-                        begin
-                            Next := Highlight(syn_string);
-                            Inc(pos);
-                            f_state := 4;
-                            exit;
-                        end;
-                    ' ':
-                        begin
-                            if MatchesTrailingSpace(line, pos) then begin
-                                Next := Highlight(syn_trailing_space);
-                                pos := length(line) + 1;
-                                exit;
-                            end;
-                        end;
-                    else
-                        begin
-                            tmp := MatchesKeyword(line, pos, Keywords_C);
-                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
-                                Next := Highlight(syn_keyword);
-                                Inc(pos, tmp);
-                                f_state := 6;
-                                exit;
-                            end;
-                            tmp := MatchesKeyword(line, pos, Types_C);
-                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
-                                Next := Highlight(syn_type);
-                                Inc(pos, tmp);
-                                f_state := 7;
-                                exit;
-                            end;
-                            tmp := MatchesType(line, pos);
-                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
-                                Next := Highlight(syn_type);
-                                Inc(pos, tmp);
-                                f_state := 7;
-                                exit;
-                            end;
-                            tmp := MatchesLabel(line, pos);
-                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
-                                Next := Highlight(syn_label);
-                                Inc(pos, tmp);
-                                f_state := 8;
-                                exit;
-                            end;
-                        end;
-                end;
-            1: { Kommentar bis Zeilenende }
-                begin
-                    pos := length(line);
-                    break;
-                end;
-            2: { C-Kommentar }
-                if Matches(line, pos, '*/') then begin
-                    f_state := 0;
-                    Inc(pos, 2);
-                    exit(Highlight(syn_other));
-                end;
-            3, 6, 7, 8: { Ende eines gefaerbten Worts }
-                begin
-                    f_state := 0;
-                    exit(Highlight(syn_other));
-                end;
-            4: { String }
-                case c of
-                    '\':
-                        begin
-                            f_state := 5;
-                            Next := Highlight(syn_string_special);
-                            Inc(pos);
-                            exit;
-                        end;
-                    '"':
-                        begin
-                            f_state := 0;
-                            Inc(pos);
-                            exit(Highlight(syn_other));
-                        end;
-                end;
-            5: { Escaptes Zeichen in einem String }
-                begin
-                    f_state := 4;
-                    Inc(pos);
-                    exit(Highlight(syn_string));
-                end;
-        end;
-        Inc(pos);
-    end;
-    if f_state in [1, 3, 4, 5] then begin
-        f_state := 0;
-    end;
diff --git a/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax_c.pas b/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax_c.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7662cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/pas/kedit/syntax_c.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+unit syntax_c;
+{$mode ObjFPC}
+uses syntax;
+    TSyntax_C = class(TSyntax)
+    public
+        procedure StartLine(s: String; state: integer); override;
+        function Next: TSyntaxChange; override;
+    end;
+    Keywords_C: Array [1..15] of String = (
+        'if', 'else', 'for', 'while', 'do', 'switch', 'case', 'default', 'goto',
+        'break', 'continue', 'return', 'sizeof', 'typedef', 'asm'
+    );
+    Types_C: Array [1..17] of String = (
+        'void', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'float', 'double',
+        'static', 'inline', 'extern', 'enum', 'struct', 'union', 'volatile', 'const'
+    );
+procedure TSyntax_C.StartLine(s: String; state: integer);
+    line := s;
+    f_state := state;
+    pos := 1;
+    case f_state of
+        1:   color := syn_comment;
+        2:   color := syn_comment;
+        3:   color := syn_number;
+        4:   color := syn_string;
+        5:   color := syn_string_special;
+        6:   color := syn_keyword;
+        7:   color := syn_type;
+        8:   color := syn_label;
+        else color := syn_other;
+    end;
+function TSyntax_C.Next: TSyntaxChange;
+    c: char;
+    tmp: integer;
+    Next.posY := 0;
+    Next.color := color;
+    while pos <= length(line) do begin
+        c := line[pos];
+        case f_state of
+            0: { Normaler Text }
+                case c of
+                    '/':
+                        if Matches(line, pos, '//') then begin
+                            f_state := 1;
+                            exit(Highlight(syn_comment));
+                        end else if Matches(line, pos, '/*') then begin
+                            f_state := 2;
+                            exit(Highlight(syn_comment));
+                        end;
+                    '0' .. '9', '-', '+':
+                        begin
+                            tmp := MatchesNumber(line, pos);
+                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
+                                Next := Highlight(syn_number);
+                                Inc(pos, tmp);
+                                f_state := 3;
+                                exit;
+                            end;
+                        end;
+                    '#':
+                        begin
+                            if Copy(line, 1, pos - 1) = Space(pos - 1) then begin
+                                f_state := 1;
+                                exit(Highlight(syn_compiler));
+                            end;
+                        end;
+                    '"':
+                        begin
+                            Next := Highlight(syn_string);
+                            Inc(pos);
+                            f_state := 4;
+                            exit;
+                        end;
+                    ' ':
+                        begin
+                            if MatchesTrailingSpace(line, pos) then begin
+                                Next := Highlight(syn_trailing_space);
+                                pos := length(line) + 1;
+                                exit;
+                            end;
+                        end;
+                    else
+                        begin
+                            tmp := MatchesKeyword(line, pos, Keywords_C);
+                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
+                                Next := Highlight(syn_keyword);
+                                Inc(pos, tmp);
+                                f_state := 6;
+                                exit;
+                            end;
+                            tmp := MatchesKeyword(line, pos, Types_C);
+                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
+                                Next := Highlight(syn_type);
+                                Inc(pos, tmp);
+                                f_state := 7;
+                                exit;
+                            end;
+                            tmp := MatchesType(line, pos);
+                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
+                                Next := Highlight(syn_type);
+                                Inc(pos, tmp);
+                                f_state := 7;
+                                exit;
+                            end;
+                            tmp := MatchesLabel(line, pos);
+                            if tmp <> 0 then begin
+                                Next := Highlight(syn_label);
+                                Inc(pos, tmp);
+                                f_state := 8;
+                                exit;
+                            end;
+                        end;
+                end;
+            1: { Kommentar bis Zeilenende }
+                begin
+                    pos := length(line);
+                    break;
+                end;
+            2: { C-Kommentar }
+                if Matches(line, pos, '*/') then begin
+                    f_state := 0;
+                    Inc(pos, 2);
+                    exit(Highlight(syn_other));
+                end;
+            3, 6, 7, 8: { Ende eines gefaerbten Worts }
+                begin
+                    f_state := 0;
+                    exit(Highlight(syn_other));
+                end;
+            4: { String }
+                case c of
+                    '\':
+                        begin
+                            f_state := 5;
+                            Next := Highlight(syn_string_special);
+                            Inc(pos);
+                            exit;
+                        end;
+                    '"':
+                        begin
+                            f_state := 0;
+                            Inc(pos);
+                            exit(Highlight(syn_other));
+                        end;
+                end;
+            5: { Escaptes Zeichen in einem String }
+                begin
+                    f_state := 4;
+                    Inc(pos);
+                    exit(Highlight(syn_string));
+                end;
+        end;
+        Inc(pos);
+    end;
+    if f_state in [1, 3, 4, 5] then begin
+        f_state := 0;
+    end;